Rules and Regulations
Visitor Guidelines
The Cemetery is open during all daylight hours weather permitting. We do not plow the cemetery roads in the winter.
No hunting or discharge of firearms is permitted, other than military services.
Visitors are expected to abide by the rules posted at the entrances and throughout the cemetery.
Lot Owners
Title to Property and Deeds:
When you have purchased a grave, you are considered to be a Lot Owner at Oak Hill Cemetery. Once you have fully paid for your grave you will receive a deed to this property. The deed is for use as a place of burial only and the title to the land where it is located remains at Oak Hill Cemetery. The purchase price includes a charge for perpetual care which includes maintenance of the Cemetery grounds.
The Lot Owner(s) is (are) all individuals named on the deed. These individuals and their spouses at the time of their death are the only persons with specific rights to burial on that property. Use of the property for burial of any other individuals may only be granted, in writing, by any and all Lot Owners of that property. If there is more than one Lot Owner, they each have equal control of use of their property and all of their signatures are required.
Sale or Transfer of Rights of Ownership:
Upon the death of any one Lot Owner, title and control passes to any remaining Lot Owners of that property. After the death of all the original Lot Owners, title of their property passes to their children, or if there are none, to the children's surviving spouse, or if there are none it will pass to their other next of kin. The only exception would be if the property described by its specific lot and space designation, is given by will to a named individual(s). A certified copy of the will or a notarized letter from the estate's attorney must be delivered to Oak Hill Cemetery in order to substantiate a transfer of ownership by this method.
Burial property that hasn't been used for any burials may be sold back to Oak Hill Cemetery at the original purchase price at the discretion of the current Oak Hill Cemetery Board. Lot Owners(s) may convey burial rights for unused burial spaces to individuals they specify in writing. A small fee will be charged for each conveyance.
Each grave space may contain up to two burials. If the first use of the grave is a full body burial, a cremation urn may be placed on top of the casket vault, or two cremation urns may be placed i one grave space.
Concrete vaults or grave liners are required for all interments of caskets in graves.
Interment of cremated remains will be permitted in only appropriate rigid receptacles such as wood, marble, metal, plastic, or concrete. Cremated remains will not be permitted to be scattered in any part of the cemetery and must be buried by Oak Hill Cemetery employees.
Interment, entombments, and inurnments may only be made by authorized employees of Oak Hill Cemetery. Fees for these services are to be paid in full before the services are performed. Burials after 2:00 pm on weekdays, on holidays, and weekends are subject to overtime charges. If burials are desired for religious reasons during the winter extra charges will apply.
Flowers brought to a grave site on the day of a burial service will be removed as they become unsightly. Family members desiring to keep some of the flowers should plan to take them at the end of the service.
In order to help keep Oak Hill Cemetery neat and beautiful, all Lot Owners agree to abide by the following rules.
Live plants, flowers, and silk flowers are allowed within 1 foot in front of the headstone or marker. To safeguard our employees who maintain the grounds, no glass/ceramic containers/statues, pinwheels. No enclosures around lots such as hedges, fences, or stone blocks. No trees or shrubs should be planted; as they grow larger the roots can interfere with burying in your space or adjacent spaces.
The Oak Hill Cemetery reserves the right to remove all flowers, wreaths, or other decorations from lots as soon as they become unsightly. They also have the right to trim or remove any unsightly shrubs or trees from Lot Owners' graves. All containers and decorations not of a permanent nature should be removed by the end of October. We will remove all flowers of any material and any other items left on the grave at the same time, before they are covered in snow. Winter wreaths will be removed in the spring when the cemetery opens. The Cemetery is not responsible for damage or loss of items left at a grave.
Maintenance of the gravestone/marker is the responsibility of the Lot Owner.
This rules and regulations of Oak Hill Cemetery are subject to change at any time. Oak Hill Cemetery is not limited to the rules and regulations stated above, and the Oak Hill Cemetery Board has the right to amend these regulations at any time.